M.B.B.S., D.N.B(Ophthalmology), Fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabiamus, Cataract Micro Surgery and Retinal Laser.Dr. Riddhi Shah is an Opthalmologist specialising mainly on Pediatric Opthalmology, Strabiamus and Phaco. She has been fortunate to learn the best of techniques from Aravind Eye Hospital & Sankara Eye Hospital. Over the years Dr. Riddhi Shah has personally handled a variety of cases and is a high volume surgeon. Her special areas of interest are pupil, cranial nerve palsies, optic nerve pathologies, extra ocular movement disorders and cataract surgeries. She has presented various papers, posters and videos in national and international conferences. Dr. Riddhi Shah believes in working under challenging opportunities to serve the society.
Consultant (Paediatric Ophthalmology, Strabismus & Phaco -Refractive) Also visiting consultant for Sankara Eye Hospital, Ludhiana (Punjab) & Anand, (Gujarat)ARAVIND EYE HOSPITAL, COIMBATORE (Jan 2012 – Jun 2013) Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Fellowship (Long Term)
ARAVIND EYE HOSPITAL, COIMBATORE (Oct 2011 – Nov 2011) Glaucoma Diagnostics and Treatment Fellowship (Short Term)
ARAVIND EYE HOSPITAL, COIMBATORE (Aug 2011 – Sep 2011) Lasers in Diabetic Retinopathy (Medical Retina) Fellowship (Short Term)
BACHUALI EYE HOSPITAL, MUMBAI (Jun 2011 – Jul 2011) Phacoemulsification Surgery Fellowship (Short Term)
B. Y. L. NAIR HOSPITAL, MUMBAI (Jun 2010 – May 2011) Senior Registrar
H. V. DESAI EYE HOSPITAL, PUNE (Jan 2006 – Jun 2006) Junior Resident
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Slit-lamp examination, applanationtonometry, gonioscopy, Perimetry (Humphry/ Octopus), FFA, OCT, Orbscan, Indirect ophthalmoscopy
- Anterior Segment Surgery
- Glaucoma Surgery
- Trabeculectomy, Trabo- Trab,Phaco-trab, Complicated Cataract & Glaucoma
- Phaco Surgery
- Adult and paediatric cataract surgery (both small incision and Phaco)
All types of complicated cataract (CTR/Iris hook) - Laser procedures
- NdYAG capsulotomy, NdYAG iridotomy, SLT, panretinal photocoagulation, grid, focal and barrage laser photocoagulation, CPC Diode, Argon laser suturolysis
- Trained in ROP evaluation and screening
- Awarded 3rd prize in the Quiz Competition held at the AIOS & Afro-Asian conference in 2010, Kolkata
- Quiz winner in an inter-college competition held by BOA at the Bachuali Hospital in 2010
- Medical License: MMC & DNB registration
- AIOS and DOS membership
- BOA conference in 2007 & 2008, BOA & MOS conference in 2009, AIOS conference in 2010, Kolkata
- DOS teaching programme in 2010, Teaching programme held in Baroda in 2010, Teaching programme organized at H. V. Desai Eye hospital in 2009 & 2010
- CME organised by the BOA on a regular basis
- Certified for the programme undertaken by NAB to eradicate childhood blindness in the year 2009
- Member – Screening programme for Diabetic Retinopathy
- Attended a few 1000 of camps both Paediatric & Adults